
You can help Nemesis achieve our goals of creating inspiring, grounded, urgent work. Producing theatre is expensive! Every dollar helps.

Please note that Nemesis is not currently a 501(c)(3) organization. We appreciate any support you can give, but please know that your contribution will not be tax-deductible.

  • $50 helps pay for production expenses like props and costumes
  • $120 pays for space for 1 month of weekly trainings
  • $200 pays an instructor for 1 class series
  • $500 hires a stage manager for 1 production
  • $960 pays for 1 month of rehearsal space for a production
  • $2,000 rents a performance venue

Choose where you want your funds to be allocated: contribute to our scholarship fund or toward general expenses including theatrical productions!

I want to help!
